中研院資科所傑出學者系列講座六月份邀請到了函數語言學界有名的 Paul Hudak. Hudak 是 Haskell 語言設計者之一,IFIP Working Group 2.8 (函數編程) 的成員,以及 Journal of Functional Programming 共同總編輯之一。
1992 – 1996 年間他曾在自己的 Jazz 樂團擔任鋼琴手,難怪他很受函數語言初學和入門者喜愛的 The Haskell School of Expression 一書會以音樂、繪圖、動畫為例示範如何以函數語言思考和解決問題。他也是耶魯大學「計算與藝術創意交融(C2 – the Creative Consilience of computing and the arts)」學程創辦人之一。這次他將介紹一個描述電腦音樂的特殊領域語言 Euterpea。
- 主題 : Euterpea: from Signals to Symphonies
- 主講人 : Dr. Paul Hudak
- 主講人單位 : Department of Computer Science, Yale University
- 聯絡人 : 王佩琪小姐, Miss Peichi Wang
- 地點 : 中央研究院資訊科學研究所 新館106演講廳
- 時間日期 : 2010/6/25 週五, 10:00~12:00
Euterpea is a new domain-specific language and programming environ- ment for computer music applications, that showcases the use of advanced programming language ideas in its design. It is being developed in the context of Yale’s new C2 Initiative (Creative Consilience of Computing and Arts), and is the only computer music programming environment based on a purely functional programming model.
In this talk we discuss the design rationale for Euterpea, describe its basic functionality, and highlight some of its more innovative features: a vertical language design (from audio signals to symphonic compositions), a separation between structure and interpretation (form and function), a monadic musical user interface (MUI), real-time sound synthesis (using arrows), and the use of functional reactive programming (FRP) in interactive music applications. We also discuss how teaching computer music using Euterpea is an excellent way to teach fundamental principles of pro- gramming, in a fun and rewarding application area.